newt model
03 Oct 2020 10:56 / last edited 03 Oct 2020 11:12
Now that Intrepid Izzy has been out in the world on Steam for two months we have gathered some nice feedback from nice players like yourselves. Just like in the previous update, the game still has a 100% approval rate from both players and Steam curators. But room for improvement was also found! Two significant updates were released to address both user feedback and our own findings.


Highlights from this version include:
  • Improved keyboard controls! Very nice for players who for some reason don't use a game controller.
  • Added dotted lines between connected doors on the map. Now you can find your way even better!
  • Tweaked one of the bosses because he was no match for Izzy in her vampire suit!
  • Some people got lost or confused in the Chocolate Mine, so a new NPC was introduced to provide helpful hints.

You can read the full changelist here.



This version further improved the map screen. This was primarily done because not all information could fit on the screen in the Dreamcast version, but the Steam version benefits as well.

Highlights from this update include:
  • Objectives on the map screen are now selectable, and are automatically scrolled to when possible.
  • The map screen can now be accessed even in levels without a map (to check your objectives).
  • The game now automatically pauses when window focus is lost.

The full changelist can be read here.


Other systems

Work on the Dreamcast and PS4 versions is of course also continuing, but not without problems. For instance, there is a weird save/load bug in the Dreamcast version that stops us from progressing through the whole game and is difficult to track down. But rest assured every bug will be smashed with force and precision!

Attached files: