Roel van Mastbergen
Roel has been fascinated by video games ever since he first learned of their existence. But his life was really changed forever when he learned how to make them. Since that fateful moment in nineteen-ninety-something, not a day has passed that Roel wasn't involved with some game development project or another. Consequently he has oodles of experience and his proficiency in graphics, game design and programming make him a true Renaissance man in gaming. As such, he is the engine that drives Senile Team.
Roel's favourite games include Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Road Rash II and Shadow of the Colossus.
Jeroen van Mastbergen
Jeroen learned to love video games during the golden age of 2D gaming, which for him means during the 16- and 32-bit consoles era. He loves a wide variety of games. And yes, even some newfangled 3D games, but somehow always compares them to some ancient game and claims that “Zero Wing did the same thing but better”, or something similar.
Previously he has worked on Beats of Rage and Rush Rush Rally Racing as level designer and tester, and of course game designer, since Senile Team really is a team, and we really do work together on our games. Still, you won't find Jeroen doing any programming, because programming is impossible! He still doesn't understand how anyone can turn coded letters into a running game. He's sure it's some form of dark magic.
In his spare time he is an unrecognized writer of absurdist stories and practitioner of Ryūkyū kobujutsu.
Some favorite games: Ristar, Vanquish, Streets of Rage 2, We

Katamari, Jet Set Radio, Samurai Shodown 2, Shovel Knight, What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord!? 2
Ben Boahene
Ben is an everlasting fan of the 16-Bit and the 32-Bit era of video games. The first own console he owned by himself was a Sega Mega Drive, which was a gift when he was 14 years old. By the way, it still functions and is used up to this day.
Ben has been a musician for over 25 years. His development as a musician started with trombone in a classical orchestra, continued with drums & percsussion which he performed in classical orchestras and various bands. About 20 years ago he started with his own compositions and working with keyboards and synthesizers. His favorite music styles to listen are dance, drum & bass, hip hop, techno, latin and classical music. Ben is the only member who is not resident in Holland. He currently lives in the Schwarzwald region of Baden-Württemberg in Germany.
His first experience in creating game music was a remix CD for the Mega Drive title Streets of Rage, which brought him and the already existing Senile Team together, which he joined after the completion of the team’s Bare Knuckle homage ‘Beats of Rage’ in 2000.
One of his many hobbies is cosplay, so don’t be surprised if you run into him on various conventions.
His favorite games are the whole Shining Force series, the Streets of Rage series, the Sonic Series (but limited to the 16 Bit releases) and the Thunder Force series.
Albatross is a mysterious team member who didn't write a bio for himself. He mainly does 3D modelling and video editing.