Senile Team Big Cheese
20 Jul 2008 09:18
0;NobodyReally wrote:
It's a shame that you've taken so very long to complete anything in the last 5 years... You have clearly lost a lot of followers because of this too. I mean, seriously, one person replied in a week... From the once great SENILE TEAM.

I don't see how this is related to the subject of servers, but it's a valid point nonetheless. And still quite flattering despite the air of accusation.

It is a terrible shame, I agree. I hope we'll be able to turn the tide and gain some momentum by (finally) releasing a game, but if after that it takes us half a decade again... Well then we'll never get ahead, will we? Of course the reason why it takes so much time is quite clear: a group of so few people creating complete video games in their scarce free time - that's just nuts.

Personally I'd be happy to leave the world of the employed to do what we should have done directly after the success of Beats of Rage: start our own company and turn it into a full-time hobby. However, not everyone is willing or able to trade the warm, safe embrace of a monthly wage for a plunge into financial uncertainty. And who can blame them?

But I am not without hope. Beats of Rage was a great success, but it wasn't the best that we could do. We still have a whole handful of better cards to play. And I'll play them! If it's the last thing I do, I'll play them!
</maniacal screaming>

Fight'n Words
20 Jul 2008 21:14
0;NobodyReally wrote:
It's a shame that you've taken so very long to complete anything in the last 5 years... You have clearly lost a lot of followers because of this too. I mean, seriously, one person replied in a week... From the once great SENILE TEAM.

I'd still say what Roel & his team have made (and are making) is infinitely greater then what you have. I don't think that if you'd ever tried to make your own professional game that you'd be saying these things. Striving for excellence is HARD- and not always rewarding in the obvious sense.

20 Jul 2008 23:08
I have to say that I didn't mean that comment in such a negative tone, but yes I agree it sounded very bad when I read it back.

I just remember the glory days of Senile, when there were literally hundreds of people downloading & commenting all of the time... And now it's down to only the few true dedicated fans. Naturally they will all come flocking back when they get wind of any new progress, as people do.

Ash Kaiser
Miracle Fighting Level!
21 Jul 2008 03:55
0;NobodyReally wrote:
I just remember the glory days of Senile, when there were literally hundreds of people downloading & commenting all of the time... And now it's down to only the few true dedicated fans. Naturally they will all come flocking back when they get wind of any new progress, as people do.

It happens on a lot of independent developer sites. If you looked at the Bombergames site back when they released SoR Remake v4, there was a massive increase in their forum visitors and downloads. Then, the new information slowed down on v5 and only the "regulars" there were the frequent returning posters. It's a natural thing.

Also, Pete (not Kirby), is that you?