Senile Team Big Cheese
01 Mar 2017 10:48 / last edited 01 Mar 2017 19:25
Amazing! We've only just announced Rush Rush Rally Reloaded, and we have another announcement coming up already!

First I have to get one thing out of the way, though: it's not Age of the Beast. Incase you didn't know, Age of the Beast was a project we started soon after the release of our firstborn, the moddable beat 'em up engine called Beats of Rage. But we stepped into the same traps as so many other indie developers - we announced it prematurely and watched it grow over our heads. I suppose this is a natural part of growing up for a game deloper. It has certainly taught us a lot.

Although Age of the Beast had to clear the field in favour of other projects, we did pour a lot of work and love into it, and we would like to share some of the results with you now.

Here is an early animation:

In a later iteration, the resolution was doubled, and sprites became much more detailed:
high-res-skeleton.png aotb-spider.png

And finally, here are some animated sprites:
aotb-bottle.gif aotb-small-bottle.gif

I hope you'll agree that clearly, these were all lovingly crafted. But we also had other ideas that we loved. Ideas for projects that were much more manageable than the gargantuan Age of the Beast. And of one of those, I will now show you a little teaser:


Check out our next news post to find out more!