newt model
30 Jan 2019 21:47 / last edited 04 Mar 2019 08:49
After extensive testing it was decided that it would be good and quite interesting if the player had some extra incentive for defeating enemies roaming the world of Izzy. So we have added coins that sometimes burst out of defeated enemies. These coins can then be spent in the restaurant in Awesometown on some useful items.



One of the other outcomes of the previous testing was bugs. Bugs, big and small. A lot of them have been fixed this month, but some are still crawling around waiting to be crushed. Our extermination continues valiantly!

Another focus this month has been on creating memorable boss fights. We won't give you spoilers. You'll just have to find out for yourself!

Additionally, Awesometown has just become more awesome since new NPC's and Kickstarter backer portraits have been added.
